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The MySale Marketplace platform is a universal e-commerce platform. It allows merchants to upload and manage stock for sale on all MySale sites presenting e-shops in different countries.

Create SKUs
Combine SKUs into Products
Constantly update Prices and Inventory
Get Orders
Send back Shipment Notifications & Cancellations
You are creating Skus which includes descriptions, prices and images. This can be done in one easy step.
This function is allowing you to group different sizes and colours into products.
You can constantly updates prices and inventory anytime that is necessary to keep stock levels and prices up to date.
You can get orders from our system anytime (instantly / hourly / daily etc.).
Once orders dispatched, you will need to send us the tracking ids which includes any cancellations.

*All of the above steps can be easily done in our user friendly Marketplace portal or API


Marketplace provides all necessary API methods to merchants to upload their stock, start sales, receive and process orders and handle customer issues.

The REST API lets you interact with Marketplace from any site that can operate with HTTP requests. Marketplace REST API allows you easily create your Marketplace client software written in any programming language and deployed on any platform anywhere across the World.

This site provides documentation for integrating to MySale Marketplace API. This API gives a programmable alternative to the UI version of MySale Marketplace platform.

How To

You have to register in MySale Marketplace prior to start using MySale Marketplace Portal or start developing your own Marketplace client software. Please refer to our Merchant Welcome Page to apply if you haven’t yet registered on MySale Marketplace.

The Security issues are described in details in the “Authentication” chapter.

If you have any difficulties in developing Marketplace client software by yourself, please let us know and we shall help you.

Marketplace Glossary

Products vs SKUs

To start selling in Marketplace you should upload your stock first. Marketplace manages your stock as list of SKUs grouped by Products.

A Product is a named item, containing a number of SKUs.

SKUs (Stock-keeping units) describe different variants of the same Product, e.g. by sizes, colors etc.

A Product may have its own images. If not, then it takes images from its last updated SKU.

If you don’t want your SKU to be opened for sale immediately after upload, please use the enable / disable flag.

Please refer to Taxonomy chapter to have a detailed instruction about how to use MySale Marketplace categories of Products.

Sales vs Retails

Marketplace may sell your stock in Retail mode as well as by Sales. A Marketplace Sale is a Flash Sale in general. That means that the Sale begins and ends at predefined time and that stock is limited to a specific amount.

To make you able starting your own Sales, Marketplace provides a separate API. Using it you easily describe your Sale, select MySale shops (sites) where to sell your stock, select Products and/or SKUs to be sold there. Moreover you can make different Sale descriptions and banners for different sites presented in different countries for better sales.

Orders, Shipments and Refunds

Order is a set of Order items with a unique ID provided by Marketplace. Each Order item describes SKU and corresponding Qty. You should confirm the Order before Order expiration date.

Each Order leads to either Shipment or Refund. Both refer to an original Order. Refund may be done on one or more Order Items.


Marketplace uses API keys to provide access to API. You can register a new Marketplace API key contacting our staff. Please keep your API key secured and don’t share it with others.


Upload or Update SKU

curl "/v1/merchant-skus/{merchant_sku_id}/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
  -X PUT -d "{json data, see sample below}"

Example Request body:

    "name": "Musky Newbies Rib 3/4 Sleeve T-Shirt",
    "description": "Musky Newbies Rib 3/4 Sleeve T-Shirt",
    "country_of_origin": "Australia",
    "size": "0 (6-12) Months",
        "value": 200,
        "unit": "g"
        "height": 343,
        "width": 200,
        "length": 343,
        "unit": "cm"
        "code": "3495984357288",
        "type": "EAN"
    "barcodes": ["3495984357288"],
    "brand": "Nike",
    "taxonomy_id": "EB45D097-B7DB-4977-A58B-F7D2758F2466"

Example Response:

    "merchant_sku_id": "B756N-36B-Musky-Pink-0(6-12)Months",
    "sku_id": "AD6739D7-2EFC-4BFA-B62F-0F4D87EA73E8",
    "name": "Musky Newbies Rib 3/4 Sleeve T-Shirt",
    "description": "Musky Newbies Rib 3/4 Sleeve T-Shirt",
    "country_of_origin": "Australia",
    "size": "0 (6-12) Months",
        "value": 200,
        "unit": "g"
        "height": 343,
        "width": 200,
        "length": 343,
        "unit": "cm"
        "code": "3495984357288",
        "type": "EAN"
    "barcodes": ["3495984357288"],
    "brand": "Nike",
    "taxonomy_id": "EB45D097-B7DB-4977-A58B-F7D2758F2466",
    "enabled": false

This endpoint creates new SKU or updates existing one.

HTTP Request


Request body


Field Type Description
merchant_sku_id string * The SKU ID provided by Merchant (Max 50)
sku_id GUID ** The unique MySale SKU ID
name string * SKU Name
description string * SKU Description. May contain HTML
country_of_origin string * Country of origin of SKU
size string SKU Size
weight Weight * Weight of SKU
volume Volume Volume of SKU - composite object containing Height, Width and Length
standard_product_codes Array of StandardProductCodes List of Standard product codes
barcodes Array of strings Barcodes of SKU
brand string Brand name of SKU
taxonomy_id GUID * Internal ID of SKU Taxonomy
enabled bool If true then SKU is published for sales on sites (read-only)


Field Type Description
value decimal * Value of SKU weight
unit string Measurement Unit, g by default


Field Type Description
height decimal Height of SKU
width decimal Width of SKU
length decimal Length of SKU
unit string Measurement Unit, cm by default


Field Type Description
code string Product code
type enum Allowed values: EAN, UPC, ISBN_10, ISBN_13, GTIN_14

** - The field is generated by MySale Marketplace
* - The field should be filled to pass the validation that predcess the publishig of the SKU for sale.
Please keep in mind that SKU should be provided with Images and Prices to pass the Validation.

Response body

Returns created or updated SKU. For structure of returned SKU see Request body.

Retrieve All SKUs

curl "/v1/merchant-skus/?offset={offset}&limit={limit}"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Response:

      "merchant_sku_id": "B756N-36B-Musky-Pink-0(6-12)Months",
      "sku_id": "AD6739D7-2EFC-4BFA-B62F-0F4D87EA73E8"
      "merchant_sku_id": "BBA2-RZNE1A-YU7-PurWhiStr-0(6-12)Months",
      "sku_id": "EB45D097-B7DB-4977-A58B-F7D2758F2466"

This endpoint retrieves all SKUs.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
offset 0 The result will skip SKU’s with number less than specified.
limit 50 The result will return maximum of specified items.

Response body

Field Type Description
merchant_sku_id string The SKU ID provided by Merchant
sku_id GUID The unique MySale SKU ID

Retrieve a Specific SKU

curl "/v1/merchant-skus/{merchant_sku_id}/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Response:

    "merchant_sku_id": "B756N-36B-Musky-Pink-0(6-12)Months",
    "sku_id": "AD6739D7-2EFC-4BFA-B62F-0F4D87EA73E8",
    "name": "Musky Newbies Rib 3/4 Sleeve T-Shirt",
    "description": "Musky Newbies Rib 3/4 Sleeve T-Shirt",
    "country_of_origin": "Australia",
    "size": "0 (6-12) Months",
        "value": 200,
        "unit": "g"
        "height": 343,
        "width": 200,
        "length": 343,
        "unit": "cm3"
        "code": "2-266-11156-6",
        "type": "isbn-10"
    "barcodes": ["3495984357288"],
    "brand": "Nike",
    "taxonomy_id": "EB45D097-B7DB-4977-A58B-F7D2758F2466",
    "enabled": true

Retrieves the details of an existing SKU.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
merchant_sku_id - The previously created ID you will use to track and update your SKU

Response body


Field Type Description
merchant_sku_id string The SKU ID provided by Merchant (Max 50)
sku_id GUID The unique MySale SKU ID
name string SKU Name
description string SKU Description. May contain HTML
country_of_origin string Country of origin of SKU
size string SKU Size
weight Weight Weight of SKU
volume Volume Volume of SKU - composite object containing Height, Width and Length
standard_product_codes Array of StandardProductCodes List of Standard product codes
barcodes Array of strings Barcodes of SKU
brand string Brand name of SKU
taxonomy_id GUID Internal ID of SKU Taxonomy
enabled bool If true then SKU is published for sales on sites


Field Type Description
value decimal Value of SKU weight
unit string Measurement Unit, g by default


Field Type Description
height decimal Height of SKU
width decimal Width of SKU
length decimal Length of SKU
unit string Measurement Unit, cm by default


Field Type Description
code string Product code
type enum Allowed values: EAN, UPC, ISBN_10, ISBN_13, GTIN_14

Enable SKU for sale

curl "/v1/merchant-skus/{merchant_sku_id}:enable/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
  -X POST "{json data, see sample below}"

Enables SKU for Sale. If SKU is enabled for sale it can be added to sales and can be sold. If SKU is disabled for sales - it can not be sold.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
merchant_sku_id - The previously created ID you will use to track and update your SKU

Disable SKU for sale

curl "/v1/merchant-skus/{merchant_sku_id}:disable/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
  -X POST "{json data, see sample below}"

Disables SKU for Sale. If SKU is disabled for sale it can be added to sales but it can not be sold.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
merchant_sku_id - The previously created ID you will use to track and update your SKU

Upload SKU images

curl "/v1/merchant-skus/{merchant_sku_id}/images/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
  -X PUT -d "{json data, see sample below}"

Example Request body:

      "images": [
          "merchant_url": ""
          "merchant_url": ""
          "merchant_url": ""

Example Response:

       "images": [
           "merchant_url": "",
           "error": "404. Failed to load"
           "merchant_url": "",
           "url": ""  
           "merchant_url": ""

This endpoint uploads images for existing SKU. Please do not set the “url” field manually - the image will never be uploaded then.

HTTP Request


Request body


Field Type Description
Images Array of ImageModels List of objects which contain information about images to upload


Field Type Description
merchant_url string Original Merchant URL of image to upload
url string URL of image at MySale Marketplace CDN (read-only)
error string Displays a reason if an image failed to load to MySale Marketplace CDN

Response body

Returns uploaded SKU images.


Field Type Description
Images Array of ImageModel List of objects which contain information about images to upload


Field Type Description
merchant_url string Original Merchant URL of image to upload
url string URL of image at MySale Marketplace CDN (read-only)

Retrieve SKU images

curl "/v1/merchant-skus/{merchant_sku_id}/images/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Response:

       "images": [
           "merchant_url": "",
           "url": ""
           "merchant_url": "",
           "url": ""
           "merchant_url": "",
           "url": ""

This endpoint images for existing SKU.

HTTP Request


Response body

Returns uploaded SKU images.


Field Type Description
Images Array of ImageModel List of objects which contain information about images to upload


Field Type Description
merchant_url string Original Merchant URL of image to upload
url string URL of image at MySale Marketplace CDN (read-only)
error string Displays a reason if an image failed to load to MySale Marketplace CDN

Upload SKU prices

curl "/v1/merchant-skus/{merchant_sku_id}/prices/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
  -X PUT -d "{json data, see sample below}"

Example Request body:

    "prices": {
        "cost": {
            "currency": "AUD",
            "value": "40"
        "sell": {
            "currency": "AUD",
            "value": "100"
        "rrp": {
            "currency": "AUD",
            "value": "200"

Example Response:

    "prices": {
        "cost": {
            "currency": "AUD",
            "value": "40"
        "sell": {
            "currency": "AUD",
            "value": "100"
        "rrp": {
            "currency": "AUD",
            "value": "200"

This endpoint uploads prices for existing SKU.

HTTP Request


Request body


Field Type Description
Prices Array of PricesListModel List of objects which contain information about images to upload


Field Type Description
cost PriceValueModel Cost price
sell PriceValueModel Sell price
rrp PriceValueModel Rrp price


Field Type Description
currency string Price currency
value decimal Price value

Response body

Returns SKU prices. For structure of returned prices see Request body.

Retrieve SKU prices

curl "/v1/merchant-skus/{merchant_sku_id}/prices/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Response:

    "prices": {
        "cost": {
            "currency": "AUD",
            "value": "40"
        "sell": {
            "currency": "AUD",
            "value": "100"
        "rrp": {
            "currency": "AUD",
            "value": "200"

This endpoint prices for existing SKU.

HTTP Request


Response body

Returns uploaded SKU prices.


Field Type Description
Prices Array of PricesListModel List of objects which contain information about images to upload


Field Type Description
cost PriceValueModel Cost price
sell PriceValueModel Sell price
rrp PriceValueModel Rrp price


Field Type Description
currency string Price currency
value decimal Price value

Upload SKU inventory

curl "/v1/merchant-skus/{merchant_sku_id}/inventory/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
  -P PUT -d "{json data, see sample below"}

Example Request body:

    "inventory": [
        "location": "Australia Warehouse",
        "quantity": "50"
        "location": "United Kingdom Warehouse",
        "quantity": "100"

Example Response:

    "inventory": [
        "location": "Australia Warehouse",
        "quantity": "50"
        "location": "United Kingdom Warehouse",
        "quantity": "100"

This endpoint uploads inventory for existing SKU.

HTTP Request


Request body


Field Type Description
SKU string Merchant SKU ID
LocationQuantities Array of LocationQuantityModel List of Inventory records


Field Type Description
LocationId string SKU location
Quantity int Number of SKUs available on location

Response body

Returns SKU inventory. For structure of returned inventory see Request body.

Retrieve SKU inventory

curl "/v1/merchant-skus/{merchant_sku_id}/inventory/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Response:

    "inventory": [
        "location": "Australia Warehouse",
        "quantity": "50"
        "location": "United Kingdom Warehouse",
        "quantity": "100"

This endpoint returns inventory for existing SKU.

HTTP Request


Response body

Returns current SKU inventory state.


Field Type Description
SKU string Merchant SKU Id
LocationQuantities Array of LocationQuantityModel List of Inventory records


Field Type Description
LocationId string SKU location
Quantity int Number of SKUs available on location


Upload or Update Product

curl "/v1/merchant-products/{merchant_product_id}/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
  -X PUT -d "{json data, see sample below}"

Example Request body:

    "name": "Phantom Vision Academy DF Mens SG Football Boots",
    "description": "<h2>Nike Phantom Vision Academy DF Mens SG Football Boots</h2><br/>These Nike Phantom Vision Academy DF Mens SG Football Boots have been crafted with a Dynamic Fit collar which helps supply a streamlined feel as well as locking your foot in place for zero distraction on the pitch. The boots also benefit from having webbing that integrates with the laces for a secure fit, whilst the soft ground studs ensure you get maximum traction. <br/><br/>> Mens Football Boots<br/>> Full lace fastening<br/>> Cushioned insole<br/>> Dynamic Fit collar<br/>> Targeted texturing <br/>> Soft ground studs<br/>> PhantomVSN detailing<br/>> Nike Swoosh branding<br/>> Upper: Synthetic <br/>> Inner: Textile <br/>> Sole: Synthetic<br><br><a href = \"\" target = \"_blank\" class=\"textLinkTopBottom\">Size Guide</a><br>",
    "skus": [
        "merchant_sku_id": "44719303511"
        "merchant_sku_id": "44719303512"
        "merchant_sku_id": "44719303513"

Example Response:

    "product_id": "3C2A6CE4-1F55-4696-B895-4B23EDE915EA",
    "merchant_product_id": "19101402320",
    "name": "Phantom Vision Academy DF Mens SG Football Boots",
    "description": "<h2>Nike Phantom Vision Academy DF Mens SG Football Boots</h2><br/>These Nike Phantom Vision Academy DF Mens SG Football Boots have been crafted with a Dynamic Fit collar which helps supply a streamlined feel as well as locking your foot in place for zero distraction on the pitch. The boots also benefit from having webbing that integrates with the laces for a secure fit, whilst the soft ground studs ensure you get maximum traction. <br/><br/>> Mens Football Boots<br/>> Full lace fastening<br/>> Cushioned insole<br/>> Dynamic Fit collar<br/>> Targeted texturing <br/>> Soft ground studs<br/>> PhantomVSN detailing<br/>> Nike Swoosh branding<br/>> Upper: Synthetic <br/>> Inner: Textile <br/>> Sole: Synthetic<br><br><a href = \"\" target = \"_blank\" class=\"textLinkTopBottom\">Size Guide</a><br>",
    "skus": [
        "merchant_sku_id": "44719303511"
        "merchant_sku_id": "44719303512"
        "merchant_sku_id": "44719303513"

This endpoint uploads or updates Product

HTTP Request


Request body


Field Type Description
merchant_product_id string ID of the Product provided by Merchant
product_id Guid The unique MySale Product identifier
name string Name of Product
description string Description of Product
skus Array of Sku Attached SKUs


Field Type Description
merchant_sku_id string ID of the SKU provided by Merchant
sku_id guid The unique MySale SKU identifier

Response body

Returns created or updated Product. For structure of returned Product see Request body.

Retrieve All Products

curl "/v1/merchant-products/?offset={offset}&limit={limit}"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Response:

    "products": [
        "product_id": "ef084dc7-c22d-40f6-9b16-456cc8ec9d46",
        "merchant_product_id": "19101402320"
        "product_id": "3C2A6CE4-1F55-4696-B895-4B23EDE915EA",
        "merchant_product_id": "19101402322"

This endpoint retrieves all Products.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
offset 0 The result will skip Product’s with number less than specified.
limit 50 The result will return maximum of specified items.

Response body

Field Type Description
merchant_product_id string ID of the Product provided by Merchant
product_id guid The unique Product identifier

Retrieve a Specific Product

curl "/v1/merchant-products/{merchant_product_id}/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Response:

    "product_id": "3C2A6CE4-1F55-4696-B895-4B23EDE915EA",
    "merchant_product_id": "19101402320",
    "name": "Super Nike product",
    "description": "This is a terrific product",
    "skus": [
        "merchant_sku_id": "44719303511",
        "sku_id": "AD6739D7-2EFC-4BFA-B62F-0F4D87EA73E8"
        "merchant_sku_id": "44719303512",
        "sku_id": "16D8EC73-634D-44DB-BBF4-202C0048513C"
        "merchant_sku_id": "44719303513",
        "sku_id": "C10FD09E-D388-4CED-9693-CACB9CBB45CA"

Retrieves the details of an existing Product.

HTTP Request


Response body


Field Type Description
merchant_product_id strinmerchant_product_id string
product_id guid The unique Product identifier
name string Name of Product
description string Description of Product
skus Array of Sku Attached Skus


Field Type Description
merchant_sku_id string SKU ID provided by Merchant
sku_id guid The unique MySale SKU ID

Retrieve Product images

curl "/v1/merchant-products/{merchant_product_id}/images/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Response:

       "images": [
           "merchant_url": "",
           "url": ""
           "merchant_url": "",
           "url": ""
           "merchant_url": "",
           "url": ""

This endpoint retrieves images for existing Product.

HTTP Request


Response body

Returns Product images.


Field Type Description
images Array of ImageModel List of objects which contain information about images to upload


Field Type Description
merchant_url string Original Mercahnt URL of image to upload
url string URLof image at MySale Marketplace CDN
error string Displays a reason if an image failed to load to MySale Marketplace CDN

How to set Product images

The proper sequence of how to load images to the Product is: 1. Create all SKUs with inventory, prices but without images
2. Create Products combining necessary SKUs
3. Update SKU Images
In this case the product automation background service will fill the Product Images with the Images from the last SKU from each particular Product.


Retrieve list of Taxonomy branches

curl "/v1/taxonomy/?offset=0&limit=100"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Response:

  "branches": [

This endpoint retrieves the list of Taxonomy branches

HTTP Request


Response body

Returns the list of taxonomy branches’ IDs (GUID).

Retrieve a specific Taxonomy branch

curl "/v1/taxonomy/e7e47671-07b0-4e95-8dee-c0fa5a96a1b7/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Response:

    "branch_id": "e7e47671-07b0-4e95-8dee-c0fa5a96a1b7",
    "parent_id": "d8ddd5e5-868f-4891-b416-8c92590a29c4",
    "level": 1,
    "name": "Denim",
    "keywords": [
    "is_main_category": true

This endpoint returns a taxonomy branch.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
branch_id guid

Response body

Field Type Description
branch_id guid The unique MySale Taxonomy branch identifier
parent_id guid The unique MySale Taxonomy branch porent identifier
level int Level of the Taxonomy branch in the Taxonomy tree
name string Name of the Taxxonomy branch
keywords string[] List of keywords for the Taxonomy branch
is_main_category bool Obsolete



New Order is created by MySale upon selling the Basket to a Customer. The Basket contains a list of Order Items and some other fields. Order Item is a record of SKU + Qty, i.e. how many pieces of this SKU have been ordered. Sum of all Order Item Quantities is an Order Qty. Order Status list:

Status Meaning Initiatorv
new The order has been placed and is ready to be processed by the Merchant MySale
acknowledged The order has been accepted by the Merchant and is awaiting fulfillment Merchant
inprogress The order has been partially shipped Merchant
completed The order is completely shipped or cancelled Merchant

Status “new” The Order is always created with the “new” Status. Merchant periodically checks the Order tray in MP using the Get Order List method for the “new” Status. Recommended frequency is once an hour. If there are some Orders in “new” Status the method will return first 1000 Ids of Orders in the “new” Status. Merchant should take then the newly created Orders one by one using Get Order method.

Status “acknowledged”

After the new Order is registered in the Merchant’s internal accounting IT system, the Acknowledge method shoudl be called. The Acknowledge method moves the Order to “acknowledged” Status. The acknowledged Order will not be returned in the list of new Orders.

Status “inprogress” vs “complete”

Merchant processes the Order and, then it becomes dispatched, notifies MP about that using the Add New Shipment method. Order may contain several Shipments. For each Shipment Merchant provides a shipment item list and Tracking Number.

In case of inability to ship the Order Merchant can call the Add New Cancellation method and report the reason:

Cancellation Reason Meaning
no_stock no_stock
fraud_high_risk Fraud High Risk
fraud_charge_back Fraud ChargeBack
fraud_confirmed Fraud Confirmed
customer_cancelled_sale_error Customer Cancelled: Sale Error
customer_cancelled_delayed Customer Cancelled: Delayed
customer_cancelled_change_of_mind Customer Cancelled: Change of mind
unfulfillable_address Unfulfillable address
other other

Sum of all Quantities from all Order Shipments and Order Cancellations is a Processed Order Qty.

The Order moves to “complete” Status only when it receives all necessary Shipments and Cancellations, i.e. Processed Order Qty EQUALS to Order Qty:

In some cases the Order cannot be shipped or cancelled completely at once. In this case Merchant calls consequently the Add New Shipment and Add New Cancellation methods until Processed Order Qty becomes equal to Order Qty.

Partial Shipment or Cancellation should not exactly correspond to an Order Item. It may contain several Order Items or only a part of one Order Item (with quantity less than the Order Item Quantity). Here the Order will be moved to the “inprogress” Status. Imagine we’ve got an Order with 3 Order Items with quantities correspondingly 3, 4 and 5:

  1. Order Items 1 and 2 can be shipped right now and Order Item 3 is not yet processed. Here we have One Shipment.
  2. Order Item 1 can be shipped right now and Order Item 2 can be shipped one week later. Order Item 3 is not yet processed. Here we have One Shipment with one Expected delivery date and another - with the date week later.
  3. Order Item 1 is shipped, Order Item 2 is Cancelled, Order Item 3 is not yet processed. Here we have 1 Shipment and one Cancellation.
  4. Order Item 1 is shipped (Qty = 3), Order Item 2 is unfulfillable, i.e. Merchant can only deliver 3 of 4 (Qty = 3). Here we have normal Shipment 1 for Order Item 1, partial Shipment 2 for Qty = 3 and partial cancellation of Order Item 3 for Qty = 1.

In case when the Processed Order Qty is not equal to the Order Qty:

Retrive Order List

curl "/v1/orders/new/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
curl "/v1/orders/acknowledged/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
curl "/v1/orders/inprogress/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
curl "/v1/orders/completed/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Response:

    "order_id": "03c8f4c6-f5d0-44c9-a9b0-a0972dd3fa50",
    "merchant_order_id": "2019-08-ORD-AE17439-01"
    "order_id": "8f491c6f-0e4f-4fa5-b458-ccab9b018c24",
    "merchant_order_id": "2019-08-ORD-AE17439-02"
    "order_id": "443c14b3-714b-47dc-9d32-8381d9a41fc3",
    "merchant_order_id": "2019-08-ORD-AE17439-03"

Using this endpoint you can access the first 1000 orders in a certain status.

HTTP Request


Response body

Field Type Description
order_id Guid The unique order identifier
merchant_order_id String The order identifier given by Merchant, if any

HTTP Request


Response body

Field Type Description
order_id Guid The unique order identifier
merchant_order_id String The order identifier given by Merchant, if any

HTTP Request


Response body

Field Type Description
order_id Guid The unique order identifier
merchant_order_id String The order identifier given by Merchant, if any

HTTP Request


Response body

Field Type Description
order_id Guid The unique order identifier
merchant_order_id String The order identifier given by Merchant, if any

Retrive a Specific Order

curl "/v1/orders/{order_id}/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example of Response for the “new” status:

    "order_id": "d11ead78-f517-4318-b23e-af6f63ad399a",
    "customer_order_reference": "35488395",
    "order_date": "2019-06-07T20:12:52.29",
    "order_status": "new",
    "recipient": {
        "name": "Bob Castello",
        "email": "",
        "phone_number": "+61-0453323833",
        "address": {
            "country_code": "AU",
            "address_line": "28/121 Mcbryde Crescent",
            "city": "Wanniassa",
            "state": "ACT",
            "postcode": "2903",
            "authority_to_leave": ""
        "billing_address": {
            "country_code": "AU",
            "address_line": "28/121 Mcbryde Crescent",
            "city": "Wanniassa",
            "state": "ACT",
            "postcode": "2903",
            "authority_to_leave": ""
    "order_items": [
            "order_item_id": "5eed6ab8-bc1d-4677-bfb7-33fa79c1c211",
            "sku_id": "60fa8875-cbc7-4ede-8253-87203afdbced",
            "merchant_sku_id": "44717176511",
            "sku_qty": 1,
            "item_cost_price": {
                "currency": "AUD",
                "amount": 50.81
            "item_sell_price": {
                "currency": "AUD",
                "amount": 65.55
            "item_shipping_price": {
                "currency": "AUD",
                "amount": 0

Example of Response for the “completed” status:

    "order_id": "d8dee79f-4f9e-4837-bf20-59f2c14de04f",
    "customer_order_reference": "311765515",
    "order_date": "2019-11-04T09:12:18.14",
    "order_status": "complete",
    "completion_kind": "fullycanceled",
    "recipient": {
        "name": "Andy Tooly",
        "email": "",
        "phone_number": "0278983200",
        "address": {
            "country_code": "NZ",
            "address_line": "Beeshop Building, Hokowhitu Campus, CENTENNIAL DRIVE",
            "city": "Palmerston North",
            "postcode": "4410"
        "billing_address": {
            "country_code": "NZ",
            "address_line": "Beeshop Building, Hokowhitu Campus, CENTENNIAL DRIVE",
            "city": "Palmerston North",
            "postcode": "4410"
    "order_items": [
            "order_item_id": "b3311d8e-4cd8-4de1-cfd1-cb7a86f5f976",
            "sku_id": "b31b4551-cd65-445a-befa-c41171eb02e6",
            "merchant_sku_id": "44719303511",
            "sku_qty": 1,
            "item_cost_price": {
                "currency": "NZD",
                "amount": 54.2
            "item_sell_price": {
                "currency": "NZD",
                "amount": 69.8
            "item_shipping_price": {
                "currency": "NZD",
                "amount": 0

This endpoint returns an Order by MySale Id.

HTTP Request


Response body


Field Type Description
order_id Guid The unique order identifier
merchant_order_id string The order identifier given by Merchant, if any
customer_order_reference string MySale human readable order ID number that may have a small chance of collision overtime.
order_date Date The date the merchant order was placed.
order_status string Current status of the order. Status
recipient Recipient Who is receiving the order
order_items OrderItem[] List of Order items (SKU + QTY)


Field Type Description
name string The name of the person
email Guid The email for the person above
phone_number string The phone number for the person above
address Address Where the order is being shipped to
billing_address Address Where the bill to be sent to
pickup_point PickupPoint Optional pickup point identification if ordered to be delivered to pickup point


Field Type Description
country_code string Alpha-2 ISO country code
address_line string Address info
city string City of the address
state string State of the address
postcode string Post code of the address
authority_to_leave string If filled out, when a carrier has permission to leave a parcel without obtaining a signature in case if recipient is e.g. at work at a time of delivery.


Field Type Description
id string Internal pickup point identifier
carrier string Post service name
name string Pickup point name
address_line string Pickup point address line
city string City of the address
state string State of the address
postcode string Post code of the address


Field Type Description
order_item_id Guid MySale unique ID for a given Merchant order item
merchant_order_item_id string Optional Merchant supplied order item ID.
sku_id Guid MySale unique ID for SKU
merchant_sku_id string SKU ID provided by Merchant
sku_qty int Quantity of this SKU
item_cost_price Price Price the Merchant sets
item_sell_price Price Price the customer pays
item_shipping_price Price Price of delivery


Field Type Description
currency string Alpha-3 ISO currency code
amount decimal Cost amount

Acknowledge Order

curl "/v1/orderd/{order_id}/acknowledge/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
  -X PUT -d "{json data, see sample below}"

Example Request body:

    "merchant_order_id": "2019-08-ORD-AE17439-01",
    "order_items": [
            "order_item_id": "83589b6c-2b96-4b5e-b4a9-b65ce8a861a9",
            "merchant_order_item_id": "MYORDERITEMID1"
            "order_item_id": "8f1d9e54-a8d1-4989-b9b8-c579b499f999",
            "merchant_order_item_id": "MYORDERITEMID1"

This endpoint acknowledges Order

HTTP Request


Request body


Field Type Description
merchant_order_id string. Maximum of 100 chars Optional Merchant supplied order ID.
order_items AcknowledgementOrderItem List of Order items (SKU + QTY)


Field Type Description
order_item_id Guid MySale unique ID for a given Merchant order item
merchant_order_item_id string Optional Merchant supplied order item ID

Upload Shipment

curl "/v1/orderd/{order_id}/shipments/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
  -X POST -d "{json data, see sample below}"

Example Request body:

    "merchant_order_id": "2019-08-ORD-AE17439-01",
    "merchant_shipment_id": "2019-08-SH-AE17439-01",
    "tracking_number": "W3P5009591",
    "delivery_option": "pickup_point",
    "carrier": "Auspost",
    "carrier_shipment_method": "Express",
    "dispatch_date": "2019-06-15T12:35:22.0000000-07:00",
    "expected_delivery_date": "2019-06-16T12:35:22.0000000-07:00",
    "shipment_items": [
        "merchant_shipment_item_id": "2019-08-SH-AE17439-01/1",
        "merchant_sku_id": "44719303511",
        "sku_id": "7B798536-B9B7-4613-B0C7-996BACE854E7",
        "sku_qty": 1

Example Response:


This endpoint adds Shipment to the Order

HTTP Request


Request body


Field Type Description
shipment_id Guid MySale unique ID for Shipment
merchant_shipment_id string Shipment ID privided by Merchant
tracking_number string Merchant tracking number
delivery_option string Delivery option
carrier string Post service name
carrier_shipment_method string Post service option
dispatch_date Date Date/Time that a given shipment was shipped.
expected_delivery_date Date Date/Time that a given shipment is expected to be delivered. This needs to be after order_date.
shipment_items ShipmentItem List of items to be shipped


Field Type Description
merchant_shipment_item_id Guid Shipment Item ID privided by Merchant
merchant_sku_id string SKU ID provided by Merchant
sku_id Guid MySale unique ID for SKU
sku_qty string Quantity of this SKU to be shipped

Response body

Returns created Shippment Id (Guid)

Update Shipment

curl "/v1/orderd/{order_id}/shipments/{shipment_id}"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
  -X PUT -d "{json data, see sample below}"

Example Request body:

  "merchant_shipment_id": "2019-08-SH-AE17439-01",
  "tracking_number": "W3P5009591",
  "delivery_option": "pickup_point",
  "carrier": "Auspost",
  "carrier_shipment_method": "Express",
  "dispatch_date": "2019-06-15T19:35:22+00:00",
  "expected_delivery_date": "2019-06-16T19:35:22+00:00",
  "shipment_items": [
      "merchant_shipment_item_id": "2019-08-SH-AE17439-01/1",
      "merchant_sku_id": "44719303511",
      "sku_id": "ee06f701-e403-4dd9-82fc-927209d18dd1",
      "sku_qty": 1

This endpoint Updates Shipment of the Order

HTTP Request


Request body


Field Type Description
merchant_shipment_id string Shipment ID privided by Merchant
tracking_number string Merchant tracking number
delivery_option string Delivery option
carrier string Post service name
carrier_shipment_method string Post service option
expected_delivery_date Date Date/Time that a given shipment is expected to be delivered. This needs to be after order_date.
shipment_items ShipmentItem List of items to be shipped


Field Type Description
merchant_shipment_item_id Guid Shipment Item ID privided by Merchant
merchant_sku_id string SKU ID provided by Merchant
sku_id Guid MySale unique ID for SKU
sku_qty string Quantity of this SKU to be shipped

Response body

Returns NoContent

Retrive all Shipments

curl "/v1/orderd/{order_id}/shipments/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Response body:

  "shipments": [
      "shipment_id": "3764e178-ae78-4996-8eef-40dbe9f543ef",
      "merchant_shipment_id": "2019-08-SH-AE17439-01",
      "tracking_number": "W3P5009591",
      "delivery_option": "pickup_point",
      "carrier": "Auspost",
      "carrier_shipment_method": "Express",
      "dispatch_date": "2019-06-02T13:55:14.2851813+00:00",
      "expected_delivery_date": "2019-06-16T19:35:22+00:00",
      "shipment_items": [
          "merchant_shipment_item_id": "2019-08-SH-AE17439-01/1",
          "merchant_sku_id": "44719303511",
          "sku_id": "ee06f701-e403-4dd9-82fc-927209d18dd1",
          "sku_qty": 1

This endpoint Retrives all Shipments of the Order

HTTP Request


Response body


Field Type Description
shipment_id Guid MySale unique ID for Shipment
merchant_shipment_id string Shipment ID privided by Merchant
tracking_number string Merchant tracking number
delivery_option string Delivery option
carrier string Post service name
carrier_shipment_method string Post service option
dispatch_date Date Date/Time that a given shipment was shipped.
expected_delivery_date Date Date/Time that a given shipment is expected to be delivered. This needs to be after order_date.
shipment_items ShipmentItem List of items to be shipped


Field Type Description
merchant_shipment_item_id Guid Shipment Item ID privided by Merchant
merchant_sku_id string SKU Id provided by Merchant
sku_id Guid MySale unique ID for SKU
sku_qty string Quantity of this SKU to be shipped

Retrive a Specific Shipment

curl "/v1/orderd/{order_id}/shipments/{shipment_id}/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Response body:

  "merchant_shipment_id": "2019-08-SH-AE17439-01",
  "tracking_number": "W3P5009591",
  "delivery_option": "pickup_point",
  "carrier": "Auspost",
  "carrier_shipment_method": "Express",
  "dispatch_date": "2019-06-15T19:35:22+00:00",
  "expected_delivery_date": "2019-06-16T19:35:22+00:00",
  "shipment_items": [
      "merchant_shipment_item_id": "2019-08-SH-AE17439-01/1",
      "merchant_sku_id": "44719303511",
      "sku_id": "ee06f701-e403-4dd9-82fc-927209d18dd1",
      "sku_qty": 1

This endpoint Retrives Shipment of the Order

HTTP Request


Response body


Field Type Description
shipment_id Guid MySale unique ID for Shipment
merchant_shipment_id string Shipment ID privided by Merchant
tracking_number string Merchant tracking number
delivery_option string Delivery option
carrier string Post service name
carrier_shipment_method string Post service option
dispatch_date Date Date/Time that a given shipment was shipped.
expected_delivery_date Date Date/Time that a given shipment is expected to be delivered. This needs to be after order_date.
shipment_items ShipmentItem List of items to be shipped


Field Type Description
merchant_shipment_item_id Guid Shipment Item ID privided by Merchant
merchant_sku_id string SKU ID provided by Merchant
sku_id Guid MySale unique ID for SKU
sku_qty string Quantity of this SKU to be shipped

Upload Cancellation

curl "/v1/orderd/{order_id}/cancellations/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"
  -X POST -d "{json data, see sample below}"

Example Request body:

  "cancelled_items": [
      "merchant_cancel_item_id": "2019-08-CN-AE17439-01/1",
            "merchant_sku_id": "44719303511",
            "sku_id": "7b798536-b9b7-4613-b0c7-996bace854e8",
            "sku_qty": 2,
            "cancellation_reason": "no_stock"
      "merchant_cancel_item_id": "2019-08-CN-AE17439-01/1",
            "merchant_sku_id": "44719303511",
            "sku_id": "7b798536-b9b7-4613-b0c7-996bace854e8",
            "sku_qty": 1,
            "cancellation_reason": "no_stock"

Example Response:


This endpoint adds Cancellation to the Order

HTTP Request


Request body


Field Type Description
cancellation_id Guid MySale unique ID for Cancellation
cancelled_items CancelledItem List of items to be cancelled


Field Type Description
merchant_cancel_item_id string ID of Cancellation Item provided by Merchant
merchant_sku_id string SKU ID provided by Merchant
sku_id Guid MySale unique ID for SKU
sku_qty int Quantity of this SKU to be cancalled
cancellation_reason string
Status descriptions:
Reason of cancellation

Response body

Returns the created Cancellation ID (Guid)

Retrive All Cancellations

curl "/v1/orderd/{order_id}/cancellations/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Request body:

  "cancellations": [
      "cancellation_id": "1c8720df-d785-4eff-bb7d-59492acc35a8",
      "cancelled_items": [
          "merchant_cancel_item_id": "2019-08-CN-AE17439-01/1",
          "merchant_sku_id": "44719303511",
          "sku_id": "ee06f701-e403-4dd9-82fc-927209d18dd1",
          "sku_qty": 2,
          "cancellation_reason": "no_stock"

Example Response:


This endpoint gets all Cancellations of the Order

HTTP Request


Response body


Field Type Description
cancellation_id Guid MySale unique ID for Cancellation
cancelled_items CancelledItem List of items to be cancelled


Field Type Description
merchant_cancel_item_id string Identification of Cancellation Item given by Merchant
merchant_sku_id string SKU ID provided by Merchant
sku_id Guid MySale unique ID for SKU
sku_qty int Quantity of this SKU to be cancelled
cancellation_reason string
Status descriptions:
Reason of cancellation

Retrive a Specific Cancellation

curl "/v1/orderd/{order_id}/cancellations/{cancellation_id}/"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer XyZAlexYustasu::NeSHarit00Etot42klyuch"

Example Request body:

  "cancelled_items": [
      "merchant_cancel_item_id": "2019-08-CN-AE17439-01/1",
            "merchant_sku_id": "44719303511",
            "sku_id": "7b798536-b9b7-4613-b0c7-996bace854e8",
            "sku_qty": 2,
            "cancellation_reason": "no_stock"
      "merchant_cancel_item_id": "2019-08-CN-AE17439-01/1",
            "merchant_sku_id": "44719303511",
            "sku_id": "7b798536-b9b7-4613-b0c7-996bace854e8",
            "sku_qty": 1,
            "cancellation_reason": "no_stock"

Example Response:


This endpoint adds Cancellation to the Order

HTTP Request


Response body


Field Type Description
cancellation_id Guid MySale unique ID for Cancellation
cancelled_items CancelledItem List of items to be cancelled


Field Type Description
merchant_cancel_item_id string ID of Cancellation Item provided by Merchant
merchant_sku_id string SKU ID provided by Merchant
sku_id Guid MySale unique ID for SKU
sku_qty int Quantity of this SKU to be cancalled
cancellation_reason string
Status descriptions:
Reason of cancellation


The Marketplace Merchant API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Bad request. See details in response content
401 Unauthorized – Invalid authorization header
404 Not Found – The specified entity doesn’t exist or could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access an entity with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json
409 Conflict – The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource
429 Too Many Requests – You’re requesting too often
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.